Guarantee programs

IDC Guarantee
The International Development Cooperation (IDC) Guarantee is available to small, medium and large entrepreneurs who are implementing their projects in developing countries and are looking for the access to finance.
- Guarantee up to 80% of the loan principal (maximum CZK 50 mil.)
- Maturity: up to 8 years
- Mainly investment needs
- Support for expansion into developing markets
- Contributing to the development of local infrastructure
- Guarantee fee 0.5% p.a.
Electromobility Guarantee
The Programme helps companies and entrepreneurs to purchase electric or hydrogen powered vehicles and charging stations to modernise their fleet. It aims to increase the market share of alternative fuel vehicles and the construction of charging stations.
- guarantee up to 70% of the loan principal
- amount of guaranteed loan: the minimum of CZK 300k t (€ 12k)
- financial contribution per vehicle: up to CZK 300k (€ 12k)
- grace period: up to 5 years
- price for the guarantee: 0 CZK
- expert consultation for the processing of the application: free of charge
Expansion Guarantees
The programme facilitates SMEs’ access to investment and operating loans from commercial banks and other lending institutions. It is suitable for financing larger projects outside Prague.
- guarantee up to 80% of the loan principal
- to cover investment and operating expenses
- free of charge
- COVID support also for companies operating in the sports sector
- support when energy costs rise by more than 10% of total operating costs
The programme makes it easier for start-up SMEs to obtain financing for the implementation of their innovative projects anywhere in the Czech Republic. The guarantee is provided in addition to loans from Česká spořitelna.
- guarantee up to 70% of principal loan amount
- to cover operating expenses and investments
- for loans from Česká spořitelna
- for start-ups for innovation