At the EU level, there is a number of associations of promotional and development banks, both public and private, active on a national or regional level. These associations serve as a networking platform offering an opportunity to share know-how and best practices as well as to discuss experiences from different markets across Europe. They also serve as a lobbying instrument towards EU institutions concerning the EU legal and regulatory framework and its changes. The National Development Bank (NRB) is currently a member of two of such associations.
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AECM - European Association of Guarantee Institutions
European Association of Guarantee Institutions (AECM) has been established in 1992. Currently, it has 47 member organisations operating in 30 European countries, including those beyond the EU borders (Western Balkans, Turkey, and Azerbaijan). They share the mission of providing loan guarantees for SMEs suffering from insufficient bankable collateral. In 2021, AECM members had a total guarantee volume in portfolio of over EUR 312 bn.
AECM pursues three main aims:
- Representing the political interest of its members towards the EU institutions and other multilateral bodies (focusing on issues such as state aid regulation, EU support programmes, prudential supervision and policy response to economic crises);
- Being a platform for exchange of best practices on a variety of operational issues;
- Providing relevant technical information and statistics to promote guarantees.
AECM organizes Annual Meetings, which consist of internal meetings and public sessions , conferences and expert seminars. These events are full of thematic panels covering different issues related to the guarantee business, with various international stakeholders being present. Twice a year, it organizes operational training sessions, expert-seminars facilitating the exchange among the middle management on specific topics. AECM also enables sharing know-how and keeping dialogue through several working groups.
NRB has joined this association in 2001. Tomáš Nidetzký, the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the NRB, has been serving as an elected member of the AECM Board of Directors since May 2023. This nomination strengthens the voice of smaller promotional institutions within the AECM, but also towards external partners, including the EU institutions. In February 2020, the NRB hosted one of the Board meetings in Prague. Board meetings are held three or four times per year, discussing both operational and strategic issues and planning future activities. Unfortunately, this was the last meeting before the coronavirus pandemic and the forced shift to the online platforms.
ELTI - European Long-Term Investors Association
European Long-Term Investors Association (ELTI) has been established in 2013 with the aim to promote and enhance long-term investment. While many economic and political actors focus on short-term objectives, ELTI stresses the fact that due to the rapid changes of our societies the need for long-term vision is more important than ever. Currently, ELTI has 32 members – not only national and regional promotional institutions from 23 EU countries, Montenegro and Turkey, but also multilateral financial institutions and associations. ELTI members offer financial solutions tailored to the specific needs of their respective countries and economies as well as specific cross-border solutions or investments with a European impact. Their activities are closely aligned to the objectives and initiatives developed by the EU aiming at fostering sustainable, smart and inclusive growth. A combined members´ balance sheet is admirable EUR 2.6 trillion.
ELTI´s mission rests on four pillars:
- Maintaining a permanent and constructive dialogue on long-term financing with EU institutions whilst representing, promoting and defending the shared interests of its members;
- Strengthening cooperation among members at an operational level and facilitating access between European and national financing schemes;
- Strengthening the access to information on matters related to the EU and exchanging information and experiences among members;
- Promoting academic research on long-term investments.
ELTI organizes annual General Assembly, biannual Management Board meetings, and more regular meetings of the so-called Committee of Sherpas, an operational body with one member nominated by each of the Management Board members. ELTI also organizes thematic workshops on an occasional basis as well as regular virtual exchange among members.
NRB has been a founding member of ELTI in 2013. It was also a member of its predecessor, the Club of Institutions of the European Union Specializing in Long-Term Credit (ISLTC), which it joined in 2002. Tomáš Nidetzký, the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the NRB, has been serving as a member of the ELTI Management Board since June 2023. His election proved the importance of smaller promotional institutions and ensured an institutional and geographical balance within ELTI.
NRB will host the next General Assembly of ELTI in Prague in October 2023.