The programme enables SMEs to obtain interest-free loans to finance investment projects for the development of their business. Projects can be implemented anywhere in the Czech Republic except the capital city of Prague. We offer more favourable conditions to companies that implement one of the special supported activities. Companies affected by natural disasters also benefit more.
Expansion – loans
What type of loan we offer?
Loan amount
CZK 1-45 millionLoan amount is CZK 1-45 million or CZK 0.65-60 million for special supported activities
Loan amount
up to 45 %Up to 45 % of eligible expenses. A loan from a cooperating financial institution must be used for the remaining minimum 20 % of eligible expenditure. In case of restoration of property after a natural disaster we provide loan amount up to 90 %.
up to 10 years -
Grace period
up to 3,5 yearsin case of the special supported activities and in the restoration of property damaged by a natural disaster up to 4 years
Interest rate and fees
0 % and CZK 0 -
Financial contribution
up to CZK 2 millionInterest rate subsidy is provided in three levels - see here.

The standard program conditions are shown below.
Project location & Supported sectors:
- Territory of the Czech Republic (except the Capital City of Prague)
- Sectors available in CZ-NACE list (Annex of the programme)
Special supported activities:
- NGA (Next Generation Access networks)
- Efficient use of water in industry
- Calamity timber processing
- Business centres development
- Material and energy recovery of waste
What can be financed by loan?
Important information
State aids: de minimis or GBER (Investment aid to SMEs)

The programme is financed from the ESI funds 2014-2020 under the Operational Programme Enterprise and Innovation for Competitiveness of the Ministry of Industry and Trade.
Contact us
Do you want to learn more about our programmes or our bank's activities? Send us your enquiry and we will get back to you.