Subordinated Loan – NRP
Loan amount
CZK 1 - 100 millionWe provide loans of up to CZK 40 million in the case of financing activities with 40% climate coefficient of 40%, or up to CZK 100 million in the case of financing activities with a 100% climate coefficient.
Loan amount
up to 45%We provide the preferential subordinated loan of up to 45% of the eligible project costs, while a senior loan of at least the same amount has to be taken out from the cooperating financial institution.
up to 15 years -
Grace period
3 - 5 yearsFor projects with 40% climate coefficient, the grace can be granted for a maximum of 3 years, and for projects with 100% climate coefficient, the period can reach up to 5 years.
Interest rates and fees: 0-3 %, CZK 0
up to CZK 4 millionThe subordinated loan is interest-free. After repayment of the senior loan, the outstanding part of the subordinated loan bears interest for the remaining period at 3% p.a.
Senior loan conditions
Preferential subordinated NRB loan is conditional upon the drawing of a senior loan, provided by the cooperation financial institution at least at the same amount. The commercial loan is granted according to the terms and conditions of the relevant financial institution, with a maximum repayment period of 14 years (at least one year shorter maturity than the NRB subordinated loan).

The programme addresses self-employed persons and SMEs operating in:
- Production and distribution of renewable sources of energy
- Information and communication activities
- Manufacturing and construction industry
- Water supply; activities related to waste water treatment related activities, waste and sanitation
- Research and development
What can be financed with this loan?
The loan can be used for the acquisition of fixed assets as described below, but it has to be a supported activity with regard to the climate coefficient.
• Acquisition of new or refurbished machinery, equipment, technology
• Technical improvement of buildings used for business purposes (i.e. extensions, reconstruction, modernisation)
• Acquisition of intangible fixed assets (as depreciable assets, e.g. software, licences)
• Purchase of buildings for business purposes (e.g. production sites, storage halls, administrative buildings, business premises, etc.)
• Land acquisition
Important information
The programme is funded by the National Recovery Plan - the Czech Republic's Reform and Investment Plan, financed under the EU's Recovery and Resilience Facility.
Do you need to help preparing an energy-saving project? Or provide an energy assessment? Then you can take advantage of our ELENA consultancy programme, which saves you 90% of the cost. More here. The support applies to energy-saving projects involving a building used for business purposes (e.g. insulation, replacement of windows, new wiring, etc.).
Contact us
Do you want to learn more about our programmes or our bank's activities? Send us your enquiry and we will get back to you.